“Husks” ir Veltas Sniķeres angliski rakstītās dzejas izlase.
Well known Latvian poet and translator, Velta Sniķere was born in 1920. Due to the Russian occupation of Latvia she went into exile and has lived in England since 1945. She studied philosophy at Riga University, is a founder member of the British Wheel of Yoga and a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. In addition she has studied Indian dancing with Ram Gopal and was a member of his troupe.
Apart from some poems in French and German, Velta Sniķere writes in Latvian and English and has translated other poets in both languages. She is President of the PEN Center for writers in Exile, London. Since the regaining of Independence, her poems have been widely published in Latvia.
(Writers from Eastern Europe, Book Trust, 1991)
Velta Sniķere is a sparing producer of poems, but Sniķere is the most independant and most original among our poetesses. Each of her poems is also a new and not to be repeated creation of poetic shape. Thus one could also say that she is our richest and most prodigal poetess. Her relationship with language itself is always exploratory and creative.
Vitauts Kalve (Newspaper LATVIJA)
Dzejniece Velta Sniķere dzimusi 1920. gada 25. decembrī Veļikije Lukos. Uzaugusi neatkarīgajā Latvijā. Studējusi filozofiju un vēsturi Latvijas Universitātē un salīdzinošās reliģijas King’s College Londonā. Bijusi Rama Gopala indiešu dejas trupas dalībniece. Aktīvi darbojusies starptautiskajā PEN klubā un Britu līgā Eiropas brīvībai (British League of European Freedom). Viena no organizācijas British Wheel of Yoga dibinātājām. 2004. gadā saņēmusi PBLA Kultūras fonda balvu, 2007. gadā apbalvota ar Triju Zvaigžņu ordeni.
Veltas Sniķeres dzeja publicēta kopkrājumā “Trīs autori” (1950, kopā ar Ojāru Jēgenu un Dzintaru Sodumu), krājumos “Nemitas minamais” (1961), “Piesaukšana” (1967), Latvijā izdotajās grāmatās “Lietu mutes” (1991), “Pietuvoties vārdiem” (2003, klausāmgrāmata 2009) un “Pieredze” (2010). Angļu valodā atdzejojusi Andreja Eglīša, Zinaīdas Lazdas, Vizmas Belševicas un citu autoru dzeju. 2009. gadā iznākusi Veltas Sniķeres atmiņu grāmata “Savādībiņas” (2009).
Sniķere V.
mīkstie vāki
130 x 185 x 8