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20 Shakespeare Childrens Stories Complete Collection

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A complete set of 20 stories by our favourite playwright, William Shakespeare - an excellent way to introduce young readers to these classic. These beautifully illustrated books have been thoughtfully narrated and simplified for an easy read. Children will love these and they are guaranteed to captivate them and help develop their reading skills. This set includes: The Winters Tale, Alls Well That Ends Well, Antony and Cleopatra, As You Like It, The Comedy of Errors, Cymbeline King of Britain, Julius Caesar, King Lear, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, Othello The Moor of Venice, Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, The Tragedy of Macbeth, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Timon of Athens, Twelfth Night, Hamlet Prince of Denmark, The Tempest, The Taming of the Shrew
Publishing house Sweet Cherry Publishing
Year 2012
ISBN 9781782260202
Author Shakespeare W.