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I Want to Marry You But... A Mariage Guide For Young Adult

10,00 €
For registered buyers: 8.50 €
Lawyers may have a tendency to treat marriage as a strict legal agreement between two parties with certain legal rules and terms that must be followed. Though in some ways akin to a contract, the institution of marriage goes far beyond contractual obligations. It encompasses social, financial, and emotional bonds between both parties. The law may seem daunting for many non-legally trained individuals. This unique book, written from the perspective of Singapore law, provides an insight into the impact the law will have on him or her. It simplifies the labyrinth of legislation and case law to allay fears, encourage an understanding of what marriage entails, and flag out possible difficulties the reader may face during the course of his or her relationship. The guide will also showcase the rights and responsibilities that result from a marriage. Readership: General public interested to understand what marriage entails and difficulties that they may face during the course of their relationship, as well as the impact of law concerning marriage on them.
Author Yeo J.
ISBN 9789814407939
Year 2017
Publishing house World Scientific Publishing