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15,69 €
Reģistrētiem pircējiem 12.55 €
This multilayered and intricately patterned novel is one in the prize-winning series of historical novels We. Latvia. The 20th Century. It is an unflinching exploration of wartime Latvia in 1940-41, the time of Soviet repression and deportations and the workings of memory, memories and remembrance. But above all, it is a woman's story or the story of women. The horrific events of these years are delineated through women's experiences, their different ways of enduring the horrors – by avoiding, coping or confronting, and their reactions, that range from terror and despair to joy and hope. Māra Rozīte, editor
Izdevējs Dienas Grāmata
Izdošanas gads 2020
ISBN 9789934595202
Autors Repše G.
Valoda angļu
Lappuses 218
Vāki mīkstie vāki
Svars 0.2900
Izmērs 21cm x 14.1cm x 1.7cm