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Lurzers Intl Archive 2/2017 Advertising Worlwide

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The agency behind the cover image is San Francisco-based Odysseus Arms, collaborating with illustrator Patryk Hardziej.
The main interview titled „We just booked our tickets and left,“ puts the focus on two New Zealanders, Mark Forgan and Jamie Standen, who started an unusual career in France at the Rosapark agency in Paris. The work on view in the Digital section of this issue was selected by Eugen Suman, EDC at MullenLowe, Bucharest. Plus 93 print campaigns, 60 film and 13 digital campaigns from more than 30 countries.

Izdevējs Lurzer's Archive
Izdošanas gads 2017
Autors Lurzers Archive
ISBN 2000003096152