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Neither Man nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals

15,00 €
For registered buyers: 12.00 €
In this landmark work of animal rights activism, Carol J. Adams - the bestselling author of The Sexual Politics of Meat - explores the intersections and common causes of feminism and the defense of animals. Neither Man Nor Beast explores the common link between cultural attitudes to women and animals in modern Western culture that have enabled the systematic exploitation of both. A vivid work that takes in environmental ethics, theological perspectives and feminist theory, the Bloomsbury Revelations edition includes a new foreword by the author and new images illustrating the continuing relevance of the book today. Table of contents Illustrations Preface Acknowledgements Part 1: Examining the Arrogant Eye 1. Eating Animals 2. The Arrogant Eye and Animal Experimentation 3. Abortion Rights and Animal Rights 4. On Beastliness and a Politics of Solidarity Part 2: "We Are One Lesson": Transforming Feminist Theory 5. Ecofeminism and the Eating of Animals 6. The Feminist Traffic in Animals 7. Reflections on a Stripping Chimpanzee: On the Need to Integrate Feminism, Animal Defense, and Environmentalism Part 3: From Misery to Grace 8. Bringing Peace Home: A Feminist Philosophical Perspective on the Abuse of Women, Children, and Pet Animals 9. Feeding on Grace: Institutional Violence, Feminist Ethics, and Vegetarianism 10. Beastly Theology: When Epistemology Creates Ontology Coda Appendix 1: Vestiges: 1992-93 by Susan kae Grant Appendix 2: Feminists for Animal Rights Notes Bibliography Index
Author Adams C. J.
ISBN 9781350040205
Year 2018
Publishing house Bloomsbury Academic