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Mihails Eizenšteins ENG Rīgas jūgendstila meistars

8,39 €
Reģistrētiem pircējiem 7.13 €
This edition is dedicated to Mikhail Eisenstein, civil servant and construction engineer from Riga who devoted most of his life to architecture. The peak of his creative work coincided with the growing construction boom in Riga in the beginning of the 20th century, when Art Nouveau became particularly widespread and popular. It was M. Eisenstein’s risk-taking character and his rich imagination that allowed him to create a number of Art Nouveau masterpieces in architecture. They are to this day a source of pride and admiration for both the local population and tourists
Izdevējs Madris
Izdošanas gads 2012
ISBN 9984-31-686-6
Autors Sīlis M.